Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Betrayal Chapter 18

Getting to know the hubby.
The girls got home around midnight and were welcomed by a very moody Newi, she was sitting by the gate in the cold without a jersey on and she had a very huge pout on her lips.
They got in and she ran towards Musuku and hugged her leg, after she was satisfied with the hug she started to hit Munangwas legs with her little fists, tears soon started rolling down her cheeks as the girls both just looked at her, they did not try to stop her or hold her back, they just let her release all her anger on Munangwa's thighs.
"I hate you, ever since you came I knew you would want to take my big sister from me, you left me alone in this place where I don't even know anyone, I was bored" she cried out.
Munangwa knelt down to her level and opened her arms to engulf her in a hug; she hugged her back and brushed her back then kissed her temples.
"listen baby, you do not hate me, you are just a little upset right now, I love you okay, you are my little sister too and I regard you our little beautiful princess, sorry we left you behind" Munangwa said as she took out an Easter egg from her purse and gave it to Newi.
Newi took the chocolate coated marsh mellow and hopped away into Musukus room to go indulge away from every body's sight.
As they walked into their yard, they found both their parents awake and it looked as though they were pissed and ready to skin them alive.
Munangwa noticed and she held Musuku's hand, "please do the talking because I am afraid right now, your mom looks mighty pissed, I have never seen her like this" she whispered into Musuku's ear.
"it's okay I will take this one but remember there is still Chidzima for you to deal with, from where I am standing I do not think he looks too pleased and I think you going to have a lot of begging to do" Musuku whispered back.
"hello my two most beautiful mothers in the whole wide world, why are you still not asleep? Do you not know that sleep is the biggest beauty trick in the book, especially for two oldies like yourselves, come on, go to bed" she then yawned as walked over and kissed both of them goodnight.
The two just remained looking at each other shocked at how the girls were not apologising for coming home late and how they were acting like it's totally normal.
"They grow up too fast, I guess they are old enough to be living life their own way now, as long as they coming back home in one piece" Sarah said.
The two ladies went to bed accepting defeat; it's amazing how they were fuming over the past four hours because they were supposed to have left back to the city, and now they stand silenced by their own daughters.
Munangwas POV
I walked over to the room that had been prepared for both Chidzima and I, he looked pissed and to make it worse I had left my phone and he couldn't reach me throughout the night, I can't begin to imagine what must be going through his mind.
I prepared myself mentally to totally smooth talk my way out of this trouble, and from the way it looked, it seemed I would be doing more than just smooth talking.
"Hello babe, oh come here I missed you too much for the little time that I have been away, kiss me" she said pulling him to herself.
She knew the kind of effect her kisses had on him and how that would be the easiest way out of having to explain herself which could lead to an argument.
She kissed him so passionately that he ended up not even saying a word and instead they got lost in their mid night passions, tongues wrestling, hands all over each other's bodies, heavy breaths and soft moans.
Just when things were about to get real, she stopped him and looked him straight in the eyes and told him she loved him, at that he responded by pulling her back into his arms, the urge was written all over his face and it was clear that he wasn't going to back down without getting what his body now ached for.
"I want you, I want you right now and I know you are going to deny me because all of this was just your way of getting out of trouble, but guess what?
There is only one way out and if you deny me, you would still have to face my anger concerning what you and your buddy did tonight" he whispered into her ears while he kissed her neck.
I could feel myself getting lost in the lusts of my flesh that were now being caused by the chills created from the touch of his lips on my neck and his hot breath.
"I am not going to deny you anything, I can see the desire in your eyes and it would be impossible to sleep if I denied you this so have me" she whispered back in moans.
That night they made love (not going to get into the details because I wasn't there when they did their business, so didn't see hahaha) and when they finished; they were too tired to even talk so they fell asleep in each other's arms.
Musuku's POV
As I laid in bed that night, I remembered my prince charming Masala, it was at that moment that I realised I wished I was still with, I would like to just get to know him.
I think he makes me happy, I have never loved a guy my whole life and now here I am so attached to a guy I hardly know, my goodness I am even getting married to him and yet I had the nerve to question Munangwa when she agreed to marry Chidzima.
Oh God I am so in love with this guy, I already feel like he is my everything and yet I do not even know him that well, what am I going to do, I have not even told mom about the engagement, I wonder what she is going to think of all of this.
As I was busy with my thoughts, a call came through and when I looked it was Masala, I started to panic, I dint know if I wanted to talk to him, am I crazy?
Hell I do want to talk to him, upon deciding, I snatched my phone as if someone would take it from me and quickly pressed the answer button.
"Hello" I hope that didn't sound too desperate, oh gosh my heart is beating too fast.
"Hello angel, you sound a bit out of breath there, are you nervous to speak to your soon to be husband?" he asked.
"I'm sorry I am just taking a little more time to get used to all of this, I am happy to hear from you and I'm trying hard to control myself as I normally do in every other aspect of my life but its proving rather different in this matters of the heart" I told him in honesty not knowing any other way of handling this.
He chuckled at the other side of the line "being usual and allowing everything to just be as it is normally helps, control doesn't apply in love issues hun, you just let yourself go, do not think too much of anything, don't try to be anything different from what you are and you will see how easy it becomes okay" he explained sounding like a pro.
It made better sense when he said it, not to say I didn't know but it wouldn't make sense to try and behave like someone I am not, to suppress my feelings and try and act differently from how I felt because I have always been one who is free to express the way I feel in anyway I felt like doing so.
"Okay love I hear you" oh my God, wait no! Did I just call him "love"? What the hell is wrong with me, I do not do this, oh my goodness I wanna hide.
"Please call me that again, I think I love how it sounds coming from your lips, I wish you could look me in the eyes and cal me that, that would be the best day ever" he responded.
"Uhm" was all I managed to say back to him, wait what "uhm" really? What does that even mean? I must totally be sounding retarded right now.
"Musuku listen to me babe, it just me, I'm just a guy, someone you love and will be spending the rest of your life with, you don't have to feel awkward with me, please be the most free with me, baby you have to remember I fell in love with who you are, the way you talk, how you reason, the things you say, all of you my angel, you can never look or sound wrong to me so please be free" He said as it calmed me down.
"okay hubby, I am not used to all this, I need to get used to it, I really just feel awkward and I think it's because I am trying to sound perfect and I fear I might say something stupid but what I am realising is that the more I try not to sound stupid is the more I sound stupid" I explained feeling embarrassed.
"It's okay babe, you don't sound stupid, I think its adorable that you wanna sound perfect for me, I'm feeling mighty special right now" he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.
Eventually I felt the tension wear out and I laughed thinking I have a silly man, I felt like saying it, telling him that I love him cos I feared I would never gather the courage to do it someday, I've always had issues with saying the three words when I thought of saying them to a guy, it made me feel weak, it was like I am giving them the go ahead to have an effect on me and my emotions, so at that I reconsidered.
" I think I am getting sleepy now, I have fried my brain thinking of the perfect things to say to you so all my energy has worn out, from just trying to impress you, I think this relationship stuff is a lot of work" I jokingly but truthfully said.
"okay rest your pretty head my wife to be, I will see you later today, dream about me and think of the things you wanna do tomorrow because I will be taking you out  to wherever you want to go to, anywhere, just name it okay?" he said.
"Okay goodnight then, do not forget to pray before you sleep, I love you hubby" I uttered unaware as my eyes were closing on me.
"Night baby, I love you more" he said and then sang me a song, all I remember was how amazing his voice sounded as I dosed further into sleep
another chapter down yeay!!!

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