Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Betrayal Chapter 17

Really? you will marry me?
Masala's POV
As I sat with the love of my life, I remembered back to the past two weeks when I was contemplating the day when I would get to see her and tell her the truths in my heart.
Knowing that I no longer have parents and I only have my aunt who does not see eye to eye with me and the kind of things that I believe in, just made me wonder if I did the right thing by pursuing my love for this angel before me.
I am worried about what I might be bringing this innocent soul into, my evil family that has no regard for anyone, I hope they do not interfere in my life any more; I am not interested in what they say I owe to the family, I am not willing to give up my own happiness for the families pacts where my feelings were not even considered.
I look into her beautiful eyes and only wish I could change my world to suit her, her happiness and her well being, if there is one thing I cannot guarantee it's her eternal happiness when my family gets to know my decision concerning her.
I felt my heart sink at the thought of the possibility of having to watch her suffer because of my family and how I might have to disappoint and hurt her, I reconsidered the question I had just asked her and wished I could take it back to rethink this and be sure that no harm would reach her.
I snapped out of my thoughts "you don't have to answer me now, you can take your time to think about this, I know all of this is too much for you to take and digest in one day, you can keep the ring though and the next time I see you if you have accepted my proposal please wear it when you come to see me" I told her, not sure whether I was doing the right thing.
My heart wanted this so badly because I knew she deserves the love I owe her and I also wouldn't want to die not knowing what it could have been like to love and be loved by her.
I reached out and held her hands and kissed them, she never said anything to me, and she just looked at me like I was crazy for doing all this things to her.
I could not read her emotions and I was trying hard to hide mine so she doesn't see through my confusion and vulnerability, my desperation for her to at least assure me that she is willing to love me back.
"I really do not know what you expect of me at this point in time but everything you have said, done and asked of me is just too much for me to process, what could you possibly want from a person like me?" why would you want anything from me, let alone a wife in me?" she asked me all this questions with so much honesty in her eyes.
I was shocked, what did she mean by a person like her? Couldn't she see that she is every guys dream girl? In fact she is too perfect for any living being on this earth, couldn't she see that she is too good for even me? Nobody deserves this amazing angel who is perfect in every single way.
She is beautiful inside out, she is stubborn for righteousness, she is genuine in her talks, her dimples when she smiles, her sparkling brown eyes, her black long hair, she is everything any man can ever dream of, who wouldn't want a wife like her and to top it all the humility in seeing herself as nothing while she is in fact everything one could ever wish for.
"My angel listen to me, you are everything perfect and beyond, never doubt that okay? I call you an angel because that is the only thing I can think of that is close to perfection, but if you ask me that still is an understatement because there is nothing to be compared to what you mean to me" I told her in utmost honesty from the depth of my heart.
She looked at me and smiled "no one has ever referred to me as anything closer to an angel, I myself see an average girl who is a nobody for God when I look at myself, and here you are singing high praises over me, a nobody? If these are not plain meaningless words and you mean them from the depth of your spirit where all truth lies, then I will marry you, I will be your wife because all you have proved to be is exactly what I have prayed for in a man from GOD" she answered.
I was shocked, how can such words come from the lips of a living being so precious, at the same time I was confused why she would accept a proposal from a meaningless, shameless being like me, I do not deserve her even though I am destined for her, I am not close to anybody or anything that deserves her.
"Really? You will marry me? Why though? You do not even know me and you are too good for me"
"you are going to have to do one thing for me though, tell me what GOD means to you, who He is in your life, the only man worth my love is the man who will find my heart that is hidden in GOD" she said with a smile on her face and her pretty dimples showing.
Can anyone be anymore perfect? This girl doesn't deserve to be living in this world, she is unworthy of it.
"Okay I will tell you what you want to know, GOD is my Father, since the day I was born when I ceased to understand anything because my infancy denied me, I was guided by His Holy Spirit, my parents died when I was 12 and nobody within the family wanted me, until it was announced that my parents left me a fortune, that was when my aunt agreed to nurture me in place of my parents."
" It was hard as she has a son of her own, she treated me badly, I feel alone most of the time and the only best friend and true father I have ever known is GOD, He guides, leads, protects and makes me the person I am today, Had it not been for God, I do not know what would have become of me."
She stood up with her eyes tears filled and gave me a hug, she held on to me as though her life depended on it, she kissed my forehead as uttered the words "I am here now, I will be your everything, you do not need to feel alone any longer for I will always be by your side, I will be your friend, your mother and your support, I might not be rich but I can offer you love, you have found me now and you can rest assured that you will be well kept in my love".
I hugged her back and inhaled her scent as I closed my eyes to try and keep the tears from falling out of my eyes, I felt and unexplainable warmth and tingles all over my body, it was as if this hug made up for all the mothers love I had ever lacked since I was 12, all the times that I ever needed a mother and never had one besides me, this hug made up for the loss and lacks of the past.
I sobbed very loud as I discovered a part of me that yearned for love and care, I cried with no limitation and without holding back because I wanted all the pain to leave my system.
I wanted to be free from all the burdens from the pains of the past, she didn't judge me, she just held me and allowed me to cry it all out and eventually when I stopped sobbing she handed me the ring and asked me to place it in her finger and I did exactly that, I leaned in for a kiss and she looked away, instead of my lips landing on hers, they landed on her cheek.
We prayed and started to indulge in the different treats that I had brought for our picnics, she told me she would be going back to the city the next morning and we agreed to meet as soon as we got there.
We then got up to go fetch the friend who we found dancing to a Zumba tape, we hid behind a tree to watch the killer moves and we where cracked in laughter, she was so serious doing it wrong and sweating, by the time she realised we were watching her, she almost fainted from embarrassment.
"And just what on earth do you two think you are spying on? You have no shame laughing at me, I got bored okay, and you guys took forever to finish with whatever things you needed to say to each other, whooo brother your car is off the chains man geez, how much did this cost? I had the time of my life here but it's so late you guys and they must be worried sick looking for us at home" She bubbled away.
"Okay we need to go now, bye Masala, it was nice meeting you and drive safe okay, will be waiting for tomorrow to arrive sooner" Musuku said as she waved pulling her best friend with her other hand.
I started my car and drove away to the lodge where I had booked in just to come here and declare my love to the woman of my dreams, I played some old love jams on my way with my window open and my voice very loud, I couldn't begin to express the excitement in me, she is finally mine and she knows about it.

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