I have learnt to be patient a very hard way, as people we tend to always want things at the every time when we want them, we never really want to wait for the things we want. we want easy things and we never want to work for those things e.g. instead of working, we would rather win the lottery or have some mysterious money received from somewhere or nowhere. When Adam and Eve sinned against God, He said man shall eat from His own sweat, meaning we have to work for everything that we need to survive. When God sees it fit to give us free things just because He is being nice to us, we better see it as a blessing as we do not get things from God because we deserve them. anything you deserve should be from your own sweat. To get a salary you first work the whole month and then get paid for the work you did. never has it been a case where you get paid before working and that is because as God said, man shall eat from his own sweat. Now coming to demanding things from God and expecting them to happen just now is being ungrateful. With people we can wait till after we work, but with God you want it now, how is it possible that you will not wait for the things you never even worked for but you will have patience waiting for something you working for. If a friend wants to do you a favor,will you demand it or wait patiently seeing as to that you do not even deserve it but its in fact just a favor? why are we slow to be patient with God? yes He says in His word that if we ask in the name of Jesus we shall receive but He does not say instantly or when we will receive. People will often quote scriptures like " when two or more people gather in one place and agree upon a thing, it shall be so" yes, the word does say that but it never said instantly. So bearing that in mind we all still need a lesson about patience and learning to wait upon God. His word says " His ways are not like that of man and neither are His thoughts, a thousand days to you can equal one day to Him and one day to us can equal a thousand years to Him" we could never be able to understand and reason like God does but we can place ourselves in His shoes before demanding for things instantly as though we deserve them while in-fact it is just a blessing that comes from the heart of a loving Father we constantly hurt with our sinful lives. What we need to do as people is to know our place and return to our true place, the place that belongs to us both in creation and redemption, the place of unceasing dependence on God. If we can live daily bearing in mind and understanding what dependence is, then we would be a little grateful and exercise a lot of patience as far as waiting on God is concerned. Remember God works so He may give to us and so our duty is to wait so we may receive. The same protocol applies as when we work and wait for month end to receive, its only that now God is doing the work for us and we must wait until He is done and has perfected our blessings, obviously that would not come too fast because perfectionists take time to do their things as they deliver perfect end products. THE SECRET TO BEING PATIENT IS KNOWING THIS: GOD WORKS TO GIVE AS WE WAIT TO RECEIVE.





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