Friday, October 11, 2013



His love is unconditional because it is original!!!
they slander us with words they speak because they can not understand
that Jesus is the One we seek so we don't care for thoughts of man
we try to turn the other cheek and use our feet to boldly stand
since Jesus Christ will bring the heat with all revenge inside His hand...
we're safe if it's the Light we trust, by faith in Christ a man is just
although our death is on the cusp, the Life can raise us out the dust
without His blood all souls would rust therefore through love the Son was crushed
within His flesh those nails were thrust because He chose to die for us!!!
until the One to come is crowned and all He's done is world renowned
i'm fighting on this battleground until i hear the trumpet sound
and there will be no backing down, i've come too far to turn around
i'm marching with those heaven bound, the sheep A Mighty Shepherd found!!

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