Thursday, October 3, 2013

Unreal Nollie part2



Upon arrival in the hospital, the nurses took both Thandi and her baby to emergency room. She was examined and it seemed she lost a lot of blood, Dr Smith asked for her family to be brought through for blood testing to find one with the same blood type with Thandi. 

In the other room Dr Ngube the baby doctor found that baby Nollie had pneumonia and she had developed a very bad rash on her body, she was just crying non stop and nothing they did seemed to stop her. Kim was passing by to go check on a patient when she saw baby Nollie crying, she switched on her drifter and looked for a music channel and the moment singing started Nollie stopped crying and listened attentively. Kim placed the drifter next to baby Nollies bed and walked on to her other patients, Nollie then fell asleep 10mins later. 

John got to hospital panicking together with his inlaws, the doctor took them through and started with the blood tests, nobody's blood matched and that worried everyone. An angel appeared in Thandi's dream as she slept in the hospital bed, he handed Thandi a sachet with gold liquid inside and told her to drink it, she did and the angel disappeared after that. Dr Smith was very worried and that there was no donor and Thandi could die, he arranged for nurse laura to carry out more tests on Thandi. 

As soon as laura finished, she looked confused, she went to Dr Smith's office and they had a conversation about the test results.
Laura: Dr something seems not to make sense here, I carried out the tests as you asked
DR: what is it laura, do not tell me she got worse
Laura: no doctor, that's the thing, this tests show Mrs Lesedi is in a perfect health condition and she doesn't need any blood transplant
Dr: what? What do u mean by that? That can't be possible, I did the first tests myself and she lost a lot of blood and had a broken leg, how can she all of a sudden be okay? Give me those results. "He examined them and looked at nurse laura in confusion" let's go see her right away. They left Dr Smith's office and went to Thandi's room, there they found her sitting up laughing with her family. Dr Smith spoke to her:
Dr Smith: Mrs Lesedi how do you feel?
Thandi: I feel okay doctor, please remove this cement from my leg, I need to move around freely.
Dr Smith: I'm afraid I can't do that, you see your leg is broken Mrs Lesedi, you wont be walking for at least a month.
Thandi: No doctor, I can walk even now just remove this thing off my leg. She got off bed and started to walk on her own with the cement on her leg.
Dr: you need to take it easy on that leg or it will not heal well, you have to be delicate, does it hurt a lot when you step on it?
Thandi: No doctor, I feel no pain whatsoever.
Dr Smith arranged for the cement to be removed and they found Thandi's leg completely healed. In the other room baby Nollie was also found to have maintained a normal temperature and the pneumonia was gone. They got discharged and went home.

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