Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Case for Christ

In 1980, Lee Strobel's (Mike Vogel) award-winning, investigative reporting earns him a promotion to legal editor at the Chicago Tribune. Things at home aren't going nearly as well. His wife Leslie's (Erika Christensen) newfound faith in Christ compels Lee to utilize his journalistic and legal training to try and disprove the claims of Christianity, pitting his resolute atheism against her growing faith.

A friend of mine invited me for the screening of this movie and it was the best night of my life. The movie is a true reflection of our every day lives, the perception that atheists have of Christ, the fact that even being an atheist is a belief on its own and God can touch anyone regardless of their belief or anti-belief.
If you have ever thought of yourself as a God or questioned His existance, this movie answers every single uncertainty and makes you aware why how there is a higher power and why it is worth submitting to and believing in it.
I give it a five star rating because it is definitely a #MustWatch.

The movie answers the question, what will it take for an atheist to place his faith in Christ.

This is definitely worth your time and money, it is everything you never expected but ticks all the right boxes.



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