Wednesday, November 27, 2013

the world paints reality beautiful

reality is difficult

We grow up thinking everything will always work out the best way we have always imagined
 or dreamt it to turn out, as children we are allowed to have big dreams to become the things 
beyond ordinary. 
We want to become the best of everything there is while no one wants to settle for just being 
ordinary or an assistant to the one who wants to be the best.
Everyone just wants to be the best, boss, leader, president and owner. 
We are shaped to believe that our potentials and qualifications will make us into all the best 
things we are hoping to achieve. 
So we all work hard throughout school and varsity thinking all of it will pay off just as we have 
planed and hoped for.
Reality sneaks up to us and we get a very big wake up call. 
Staying for a very long period of time without getting a job because we do not have the so called experience. 
The same life that deceived us to believe it all comes after the hard work mocks us by leaving
us feeling so stranded and worthless by giving us the slap of lack of experience.
Why was experience never important while we were still striving and believing to 
become the best we could never be? 
Why are we not given  the experience befitting our hopes as we grow? 
Now that life is showing us how difficult it is to become what we always wanted, how do we survive? 
Who is supposed to give us the experience if not the same people
 that are now rejecting us? 
Dreams and hopes are killed by this rejections that seems so normal to the rejecters
"This is not what I was hoping for" one would say, "I was hoping I would be given a 
chance to learn how to become the best I always thought I would be and prove to everyone how 
good I am at what I do, guess I was wrong". 
This world painted so beautiful in the minds of kids who are encouraged to have big dreams
 that might never realize, when reality catches up with them who
 then will protect them from the sting of truth and the bitterness of pain that will poison their poor
 hearts and murder everything they have been living for. 
To me killing dreams and hopes is just an equal to murder, why is there no justice taken against the 
dream killers? Who is guilty? 
Is it the parents who allowed their kids the freedom to dream big or is it the rest of the world for
refusing the child an opportunity to be the best they always dreamt of being?
Is it okay to paint the world a beautiful place only to have reality vandalize this painting at a later
stage and give it a dark hideous look that nobody is comfortable looking at?
Dreams do come true to the privileged but its not everyone that will get a portion of this privilege.
I am not saying people should stop dreaming, however they must be prepared for the role reality plays in their lives, possibilities of the dreams not coming true and they should be okay with it.


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