Thursday, November 7, 2013

Jesus My redeemer

Redeemer, Provider, Healer, ER

His word eternal says no weapon formed against me 
shall prosper
and in my heart it sinks in deeper and proper
so i then as an ambassadress become a sponsor
to share his word in places nearer and yonder
spread out his word to His people that it may 
work wonders
have them understand the multitude of strength in 
Him to become their power
no wonder we always ponder upon the strength 
of surrender
for knowledge is only found in the mind mender
who is every thing else and a redeemer
from lack, need and want He became the deliverer
life, abundance and a new chance He is the giver

our lives to Him we must surrender

for in a tomb sealed and locked he conquered
to Him death, illness and pain have show surrender
our worship and praise to Him we render

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