Friday, October 11, 2013



He's higher than the palisades and sharper than a razor blade
He's wider than the everglades and stronger than a barricade
forgiving sinner's escapades the grace of God will never fade
thru Jesus Christ all things were made, believe the Light, receive His shade!!!
God became a man and died now isn't that a paradox
but Jesus Christ has never lied because He's nothing orthodox
and since the King is now alive then death itself is in the box
now Jesus Christ is shaking earth and we will feel the aftershocks!!!
the day is near yes it is nigh when Jesus Christ will take His bride
He'll call her high into the sky and give true life He prophesied
so now His blood has been applied to everyone He's justified

and that is why He chose to die with arms stretched wide and sword in side!!!

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Marriage is God Ordained

The first chapters of the Bible record how God created the heavens and the earth, including plants, animals and finally humans. ...